If I send a letter or postcard from the UK to the USA, who gets money from my stamp?


Who gets the money from my stamp when I mail a letter or a postcard (via Mailform or Docupost for example) from the UK to the USA or vice versa? If it’s the UK, how does the airline or the postman in the US profit on my letter? Also, Are they obliged to deliver it for free once it reaches the other country because they receive no direct payment from me? How can international mail help recipient countries make money?

In: 9897

15 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Have a look at International Reply Coupons. If i send a letter overseas,and want to provide postage for a return letter, I can do battle at the USPO to find someone that has heard of them and can sell me the correct number of them to include in my correspondence. I only ever did this to receive ( Amateur Radio) QSL cards to confirm contacts with other station in shithole countries where they were known to rip open envelopes looking for US greenbacks. The original “Ponzi Scheme” was Ponzi pretending to manipulate the exchange rates of IRCs.

Anonymous 0 Comments

You buy the stamp at the post office, no?

Anonymous 0 Comments

Who did you pay? Yes, they would be the ones who gets your money.

The USPS gets no government funding.
Does the sending mail company pay for the shipment over seas. I don’t know.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Who did you buy the postage from?

Anonymous 0 Comments

the “Universal Postal Union” is a UN agency that deals with exactly who gets what money/how much postage is required. Here’s an [ELI5 friendly video from Half As Interesting](https://youtu.be/dHhkNwE7pr8) that explains it in detail.