If I write the lyrics and melody to a song but it’s sung and recorded by someone else, who owns the copyright?


The other person would also compose and record the background music (don’t know the technical term for what’s not the melody and English is not my first language either).

In: 12

8 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

The songwriter is the initial owner of the copyright assuming that it is officially copy written.. The songwriter is then able to sell, license , gift said song to whomever.

Typically the copyright is shared between the writer and the producer/ record label of the song for distribution purposes in exchange for an artist percentage of sales. I’m assuming this isn’t a major song but if you want it to LEGALLY be yours you would have to submit a copyright form and turn it in to whoever the appropriate channel is in your part of the world. If you want to share the copy right with the composer / recorder you can do that too they would just need to sign the same form.

And then both of you would have copyright and could sell it or license it to a producer or label BUT both would have to have consent since it would be both of your property.

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