: If my hair and nails are dead cells, what does drinking water do for them?


Shouldn’t it just matter what’s applied on top? I don’t understand how dehydration affects hair and nails if they are just dead cells being pushed out and don’t have any structure to carry water into them.

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2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Even though your hair and nails are made up of dead cells, they are still connected to living tissue underneath the skin. The living tissue provides moisture and minerals to help keep the hair and nails strong and healthy as they grow.

When you don’t drink enough water, your whole body becomes dehydrated – including the living tissue under the skin that supports your hair and nails. This living tissue needs water to function properly and provide what the hair and nails need.

Without enough water, the living tissue can’t give the hair and nails as many nutrients. So the hair and nails may grow more slowly, become dry and brittle, and even develop splits or cracks.

Drinking water helps to keep the living tissue well-hydrated so it can keep the hair and nails hydrated too, even though the hair and nails themselves don’t absorb water directly.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Idk about the other answer. Im pretty sure its just basic diffusion. If the water content of your blood is low, the cells in the living later of your skin become dehydrated, and the rate at which water diffuses into the dead layer of skin slows and it becomes dry. I dont think it has much to do with the flow of nutrients whatsoever.