If pi is unlimited, how can we get exact values for areas/circumferences of circles?


E.g. how can we say that a circle has an area of 25.00cm^2 if pi is irrational?? How can a circle, a closed shape, have a limited area if pi is unlimited??

In: Mathematics

12 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Rounding up numbers after a few digits offers all the accuracy we can typically ever need. Someone hopefully can chime in on the concept, especially as it relates to space flight.

Eli5 – the difference between 3.14 and 3.14-to infinity isn’t much.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Those are purely theoretical values. The area of a circle, by deign of including an irrational number in its calculation, is also irrational. That’s why circles are often written in terms of pi, which is considered the exact value (e.g., 10pi in^2)

Anything else is technically an approximation.