if procreating with close relatives causes dangerous mutations and increased risks of disease, how did isolated groups of humans deal with it?


if procreating with close relatives causes dangerous mutations and increased risks of disease, how did isolated groups of humans deal with it?

In: 562

14 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Fun fact: *H. s. sapiens* (Dass us we subspecies) is probably the least genetically diverse animal that isn’t on an endangered list. We’re also in possession of a few extreme morphological quirks recently acquired in our evolution (including windpipes prone to blockage by our larynxes, receded snouts, structurally unsound spines and leg joints, a damn near suicidal birthing paradigm, exploding appendices, and the most overly complex and self-defeating behavioral programming in literally all of nature)

So to answer your question: Didn’t.

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