If Q-Tips are bad for the ear, why do they feel so damn good?


If Q-Tips are bad for the ear, why do they feel so damn good?

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4 Answers

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The problem with them is that you can jam them in too far. [Here](https://dt7v1i9vyp3mf.cloudfront.net/styles/news_large/s3/imagelibrary/E/Ear_01-dm9dxH__zofEw8jDcoCZFQd38PxQ90dR.jpg) is a diagram of your ear. See how it’s pretty much a straight shot from the opening of your ear to the tympanic membrane (ear drum)? Well, that means you can poke that bad boy. It’s so delicate it responds to vibrations in the air (that’s how you hear), so imagine how it would react to being whacked with a q-tip. Not good.

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