If salt and water are becoming hot commodities, why isn’t there a huge amount of saltwater treatment plants built/being built?


Wouldn’t this be a very lucrative business? Also totally guessing at the flair…sorry.

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20 Answers

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Because it’s more expensive to extract fresh water and salt from sea water than the alternatives.

It’s like gold. Gold is valuable but it is only cost effective to mine it above certain concentrations other wise you spend more extracting it than you can sell it for.

Same is true for water.

Libya doesn’t really have any rivers and while it does have a large coast it is very arid. It was still more cost effective for them to spend $25 billion to drill down into aquifers under the desert, build pumping stations and lay 1000 miles of pipe to bring water to coastal cities and farms than build the desalination plants to do it instead.

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