If simulations are programs, don’t they just tell us what we program it to?


If simulations are programs, don’t they just tell us what we program it to?

In: 3

8 Answers

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To use a very simple example, let’s say that I create a program that rolls a 6-sided die.

I didn’t program it to specifically roll a 6. It did that on its own, following the parameters I gave it.

A simulation is like this, but a million times more complex. The creator will input the “rules” that it has to follow, but we don’t know what the output will be.

Let’s say we are running a simulation on the depth a submersible can go down to. We know the pressure at that depth, and let’s say we know the exact schematics of the submersible. We plug those parameters in, and the simulation will tell us when it will fail. We don’t know the result in advance; we gain the result from what we do know, which is what we put into the simulation.

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