If simulations are programs, don’t they just tell us what we program it to?


If simulations are programs, don’t they just tell us what we program it to?

In: 3

8 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Yes and no.

We program in paramaters of things it could do and then let the computer decide what it wants to do. Then we look at the results of all the different choices the computer makes.

For example say you told the computer it has 4 moves it can make. Up, down, right, left. And it must make 4 moves.

The simulations would be all the different possible combinates of those 4 moves.

Now take that and say at move 10 you take add a 5th move (diagonal up right) now the computer adjusts to include that move.

That is essentially what simulations are, only the computer has an end goal as well; get from point A to point B in the shortest amount of time using these 5 moves.

It’ll try different combinations of the moves over and over again until it figures out what combination of moves results in the shortest time.

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