If someone committed a crime in Antartica, what would happen to them?


Been wondering, if for example you committed a crime in Antartica, what would happen to you? Are you going to be deported back to your country or serve jail time in Antartica?

In: 759

28 Answers

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People assume that if you commit a crime in some area with no jurisdiction you can get away with it because nobody is allowed to prosecute you. Nothing could be further from the the truth.

If you commit a crime in, say, Sweden the reason the Americans won’t get you is that you’re Sweden’s problem, so they don’t need to, and even if they did, Sweden won’t allow US police in to do an investigation on their territory because it’s a Swedish matter. You’re protected by the country you’re in.

If you kill someone in an unclaimed area, nobody’s protecting you. Anyone with an interest in the case can come after you if they see fit – your home country, your victim’s home country, the home country of one of the witnesses, some country with an unrecognised claim to the land, the country with the nearest base. If they want to go in and take CCTV logs from the Antarctic Base who’s going to stop them? Nobody.

Unless it’s some crime that’s not broadly recognised, nobody is going to stop them doing whatever they want to you, except if some other country want to prosecute the accused first.

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