This probably sounds like a dumb question but I would really appreciate some help! I am very very interested in space but I don’t understand complex topics very well because of my learning disability. When I tried to google this I really couldn’t understand the explanations 🙁 thank you if anyone responds, I really appreciate it!!
Edit: thank you all for responding so helpfully and so quickly, its so nice to not be talked down to for not understanding things
In: 0
The reason sound doesn’t travel in space is because there’s nothing to travel _through_ – space is a vacuum. Sound is a wave, and needs a medium to travel through. Just like water waves travel through water, sound can only travel if there’s something for it to move through. Sound is basically a form of vibrations that our ears can pick up. But if there are no atoms to vibrate then it can’t travel. In spaceships they have air so that the astronauts can breathe without wearing their suits so the sound can travel through that air.
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