If space is expanding at an increasing rate, does the mean the stars in our galaxy are expanding further away from each other too?


And if it is, is it just such a miniscule change that we don’t notice it, or is gravity keeping us close while space is expanding away, almost like a water skiier behind a boat?

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5 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

No. Imagine space like a big piece of stretchable fabric. Our galaxy is a load of marbles in the center of this fabric. The weight of them all means they stretch the fabric and create a dent that keeps them all clustered together. Now very very far away from our load of marbles is another load of marbles creating its own dent and clustering together.

Now stretch that fabric from all sides. The clusters themselves don’t separate into individual marbles. However each cluster gets farther from each other.

That’s an analogue to what’s happening with space. The dent aka gravity in space that out planets and stars make keep us all together in one cluster aka galaxy. The same with every other galaxy. However the space between galaxies is being stretched farther and farther apart because there’s no gravity to hold them together.

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