if sugar is important for human body then how diabetes (high and low) is so dangerous disease for humans?


if sugar is important for human body then how diabetes (high and low) is so dangerous disease for humans?

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9 Answers

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Despite how important it is, our bodies don’t like having very much glucose in the bloodstream.

Insulin is like a key; it is required to unlock the outer coating of the cell (membrane) and let glucose into the cell where it can be broken down to make energy (and in doing so also reduces the blood glucose concentration). It also helps the liver turn extra glucose into a molecule called glycogen, which can be stored. If there’s lots of glycogen already, the extra glucose gets turned into fat (adipose tissue).

In type I diabetes the body’s pancreas can’t make any insulin so the diabetic needs to inject themselves with insulin in order to get glucose into the cells, otherwise the body has to find alternative fuel sources (usually proteins which leads to muscle breakdown and creates ammonia, a toxic compound, as a waste product. Fats can also be used). In type II diabetes the body isn’t able to use the insulin it makes properly, though sometimes diet can help control it.

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