If synthetic materials are known to hold onto oils and odors, why are they used for most workout clothes instead of cotton?


If synthetic materials are known to hold onto oils and odors, why are they used for most workout clothes instead of cotton?

In: 669

13 Answers

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Because in every engineering decision you look at multiple things as a trade off. If there were a material that did the wicking and didn’t retain odor, as long as it was, or could be made economical, that would be the selection. If for instance, silk wicked like synthetics, didn’t retain odor, and cost as much as cotton, and was as durable as cotton, then that would be the material of choice.

Consumers will sacrifice the odor retention in order to have better working and the price and durability.

The chemistry of it has to do with whether a material is more like oil or more like water. Cotton and linen are more like water. Synthetics are more like oil.

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