If synthetic materials are known to hold onto oils and odors, why are they used for most workout clothes instead of cotton?


If synthetic materials are known to hold onto oils and odors, why are they used for most workout clothes instead of cotton?

In: 669

13 Answers

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Some reasons I’ve learned the hard way:

[**friction burns when wet**](https://physics.stackexchange.com/questions/294443/why-is-clothes-wet-skin-friction-coefficient-higher-than-clothes-dry-skin): I learned the hard way that sweaty cotton will cause friction burns during long hot runs or extended hikes. Polyester (and other synthetics) running tanks are far less likely to cause friction burns because the fabric dries faster. I sweat like a fat man when I run or hike, so even synthetics are not enough, but cotton was 5x worse. For me the best solution is Vaseline or some [other friction reducer](https://www.cyclingweekly.com/fitness/training/chamois-cream-explained-139014) ALONG WITH a nice synthetic tank top, or going shirtless.

[**cotton kills in cold weather**](https://sectionhiker.com/why-does-cotton-kill/): when I go on hikes in cold weather, if I stop for a meal or something, my cotton shirt gets cold very fast. If the weather is in the 40s and windy, it gets so cold I run the risk of dehydration from a [liittle-known-phenomenon](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK232870/).

As for the stink, both fabrics can stink and the stink can be different (some folks find one or the other worse), but in both cases, the real problem is preventing [biofilm formation](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7692034/). Both cotton and synthetics can be treated, and treatment is 10x better for preventing this residual funk, but once biofilm sets in (and eventually all workout clothes will get it), your workout clothes will hold onto the funk easier and for longer. So **if stink is your concern, wash your clothes fully and use some form of (fabric-safe) disinfectant**, along with a little sunlight regularly (even dark clothes can handle a little)! I can’t begin to tell you how many folks I work out with fail this one simple rule, but they swear left and right they don’t! LOL.

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