If the airplanes wings are shaped to create a lifting force , how can acrobatic airplanes fly upside-down ?


Whenever I see an explanation about how airplanes can fly, I see that the shape of the wing is different on the top side to create a dragging force that pushes the airplane up. The top is curved and the bottom is flat. If a airplane turn upside down, should it fall faster because it’s dragging down ? I saw airplanes doing acrobatics on air , and some of them looks impossible because of this.

In: Engineering

9 Answers

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The shape of the wind is not the most relevant part for the lift it is primarily relevant to reduce the drag when you travel through the air.

You can make a wing that is flat on both sides jus look at [this rubber](https://www.shelllumber.com/resize?po=https%3a%2f%2fimages.orgill.com%2flarge%2f9734773.JPG)[ band toy aircraft](https://www.shelllumber.com/resize?po=https%3a%2f%2fimages.orgill.com%2flarge%2f9734773.JPG)[.](https://www.shelllumber.com/resize?po=https%3a%2f%2fimages.orgill.com%2flarge%2f9734773.JPG) A wing-like that can fly but is is very inefficient. What you need to do is to turn it relative to the air you pass through and if the front point up it will create life. This is called the angle of attack.

Stick your hand out of the window the next time you travel as a passenger in a car. Depending of how you turn your hand you get a force up or down. There is also a force back and that is the drag. The engine if an airplane is there to counteract the drag so the speed remains constant so a more efficient wing

So an aerobatic aircraft has quite symmetrical wings so quite full inefficient but high maneuverability. A fighter jet also has quire symmetrical wing [the profile of an](http://airfoiltools.com/airfoil/details?airfoil=naca64206-il)[ F-16 wing](http://airfoiltools.com/airfoil/details?airfoil=naca64206-il) for maneuverability and supersonic performance.

If you look at it close it the more complex where the max angle of attack you can have before the airflow detaches from the wind and you have no more lift and you stall depends on the wing shape. Lift a certain speed vill depend not on the shape of the wing.

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