If the placebo effect works by tricking the brain, why does it need to be tricked if it’s apparently able to solve the issue on its own?


If the placebo effect works by tricking the brain, why does it need to be tricked if it’s apparently able to solve the issue on its own?

In: 6662

33 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Fun fact. I once asked my doctor if they could prescribe a placebo to see if medication was actually needed. You’d have a “medicine”, and when the pharmacist filled it, they’d know it was the placebo but treat it as real for you. The whole nine yards.

She said they are legally not allowed to. I think it was related to do no harm but I can’t remember. Anyone remember what the reason is?

EDIT: googled the answer.

A placebo may still be effective if the patient knows it will be used but cannot identify it and does not know the precise timing of its use. In the clinical setting, the use of a placebo without the patient’s knowledge may undermine trust, compromise the patient-physician relationship, and result in medical harm to the patient.

Physicians may use placebos for diagnosis or treatment only if they:

A) Enlist the patient’s cooperation. The physician should explain that it can be possible to achieve a better understanding of the medical condition by evaluating the effects of different medications, including the placebo.

B) Obtain the patient’s general consent to administer a placebo. The physician does not need to identify precisely when the placebo will be administered. In this way, the physician respects the patient autonomy and fosters a trusting relationship, while the patient may still benefit from the placebo effect.

C) Avoid giving a placebo merely to mollify a difficult patient. Giving a placebo for such reasons places the convenience of the physician above the welfare of the patient. Physicians can produce a placebo-like effect through the skillful use of reassurance and encouragement, thereby building respect and trust, promoting the patient-physician relationship, and improving health outcomes.

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