If the placebo effect works by tricking the brain, why does it need to be tricked if it’s apparently able to solve the issue on its own?


If the placebo effect works by tricking the brain, why does it need to be tricked if it’s apparently able to solve the issue on its own?

In: 6662

33 Answers

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This whole thread is pretty much misinformation. There are countless studies that show the placebo effect can affect physiological issues and not just mental issues. That’s not even that hard to contemplate. A headache is caused by real inflammation in the brain which can be triggered by emotions/stress. It’s not at all surprising that that same inflammation can be reduced by changes in thinking, which the placebo effect can impact. Emotions, stress, etc. impact inflammation, hormonal responses, muscle tension and countless other physiological responses. Healing Back Pain by Dr. Sarno (professor at NYU med school) discusses this extensively.

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