If the placebo effect works by tricking the brain, why does it need to be tricked if it’s apparently able to solve the issue on its own?


If the placebo effect works by tricking the brain, why does it need to be tricked if it’s apparently able to solve the issue on its own?

In: 6662

33 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Many people have answered your question but I’ll say this I learned about placebo. You can tell someone that you’re giving them a placebo but to imagine it is a treatment and still sometimes get a placebo effect out of it.

My wife is a Physician Assistant. Once I was having a panic attack at a family retreat. I didn’t have any anti anxiety meds with me. She reached into her purse and pulled out ibuprofen. She said “you know this is just ibuprofen, but I want you to imagine it is your anxiety medication.” I took the ibuprofen and in under five minutes I was calm. I felt the ‘drug’ kick in the same way my lorazepam does. It was crazy.

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