If the police do not have a legal obligation to protect us (U.S.), then why do they exist?

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After the Parkland school resource officer Scot Peterson was acquitted, and then the inexplicable inaction of the Uvalde officers, I can’t help but wonder.

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16 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

The police cannot be sued for failing to protect you. The constitution protects you against actions of the state. Not actions of private individuals. If you could sue the police for the actions of others it would lead to endless lawsuits against the government.

The police exist to deter crime and catch criminals. You just can’t sue them for sucking at it when they do.

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s in the name. They are law enforcement not citizen protection. The police’s main job is to enforce law and order and after that’s secured ,protect the citizenry. These goals do.not always run parallel to each other .

Anonymous 0 Comments

The police exist to maintain order and enforce laws. They have never existed to perform public services, and the fact that it’s so wildly believed they did is largely due in part to years of PR to make them seem more personable.

They’re basically the trained militia mentioned in the second amendment.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Everything you need to know is right in the Law and Order intro.

> In the criminal justice system, the people are represented by two separate, yet equally important, groups: the police, who investigate crime; and the district attorneys, who prosecute the offenders. These are their stories

Police investigate crimes, they do NOT prevent crimes. By proxy they kind of do prevent crimes, since criminals are less likely to commit crimes as the likelihood they get caught increases. But in terms of direct crime prevention, that’s not the police’s job.

Anonymous 0 Comments

They exist to enforce laws of the government by force, otherwise the government will cease to exist.

Anonymous 0 Comments

to enforce the law.

the police are there to arrest you. not to help you.

if you need help, call the fire department.