if the universe is expanding, are we expanding as well?


Since the big bang, the universe is expanding, it doesn’t mean new space is being inhabited that was previously empty, its the existing space spreading out. How measurable is this on the human scale (meaning human dimensions and human timeline)?

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7 Answers

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The standard ELI5 for expanding space is to draw a diagram on the outer surface of a balloon. Then add more air to the balloon.

when you do this demonstration, you see two things.

1. The images on the surface of the balloon grow as “space expands”. Lines grow thicker (and less dark because they thin out).

2. The distance between distant points on the balloon also grows as “space expands”

There are many reasons why we don’t notice the expansion on a human or even small scale level.

* All our reference points are also growing.
* If the growth is a small percentage, it is not measurable on a small scale.
* On a large scale (say 100,000 light years) even a 0.000000000% change is easily seen and measured (as speed or red shift of things moving away from us in all directions.)

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