If the universe is expanding, do planets get smaller the further away they are from where the Big Bang occured?


The Big Bang pushed a finite amount of matter outward to form planets, moons, stars, etc, so would it be reasonable to assume that larger planets exist near the center and things created towards the outskirts become tiny? I’m comparing this to an explosion; a volcano for example produces large boulders that land nearby while smaller fragments land further away.

Secondly, once all matter has been separated into its respective creation, won’t there then become an endless void?

In: Physics

4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Not sure about your first question. For your second question: Do you mean an endless void past wherever the expansion stops? No, because there isn’t a void beyond the edge of universe. The universe has no borders. Basically there is no “outside the universe.” The universe isn’t expanding at the “edges”; it’s expanding everywhere, because new space is popping up in between everything else. This is thought to be driven by dark energy.

This video explains the expansion:

The second half of this video explains the dark energy part:

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