if the whole world ran on nuclear power, how long until we run out of the fuel needed for fission?

101 viewsOtherPlanetary Science

Also I read somewhere that the waste products can now be re used, is that true?

In: Planetary Science

8 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

This question is a bit loaded.

The people who are answering you are factoring in the current know uranium mines and reserves when answering this question. Uranium is generally not surveyed for specifically because, currently there are no future plans to have a sudden boom in nuclear power. The only known deposits are areas where uranium was found back when we were searching for it and locations that have accidentally been found when looking for other resources and it happened to be near by. If we actively started surveying for uranium we could easily fine we have hundreds of times more than we thought we did or we could discover that we have found every source of uranium on the planet.

On top of the above, uranium isn’t the only nuclear fuel in existence. There are also thorium reactors that have been heavily researched and produce a viable fuel weight to power output ratio. So even if we did completely run out of uranium it wouldn’t stop us from being able to use nuclear reactors.

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