if the whole world ran on nuclear power, how long until we run out of the fuel needed for fission?

95 viewsOtherPlanetary Science

Also I read somewhere that the waste products can now be re used, is that true?

In: Planetary Science

8 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

If you only want commercially viable reactors and I think that is the only type that makes sense, on current tech power plants that use highly concentrated Uranium around 20 years. Different kinda techs like breeder reactors that are available and would just need to be designed and built maybe 300 on current energy usage as they would use the same Uranium more efficiently. Future tech that may or may not work thousands of years.

If we start farming the ocean for Uranium that would also more than 100x current reserves, and those reserves would be replenished by Uranium essentially being mined by the ocean.

Though the reserves aren’t really the problem, it’s that only 3% of current energy usage comes from nuclear and building 30x more nuclear power plants than currently are available would take massive amounts of investment capital that would only start paying dividends thirty to fourty years after completion of the plant. The world simply can’t afford that so they opt for renewables which take much less capital expenditure per effective GW capacity and they pay dividends much earlier.

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