if there are 3 dimensions in space, and 1 in time, what are the other 7 that are theorised?


This might be a bit much for eli5, but I find any googling yields results far too complex for me to understand. Ive heard that there are up to 11 dimensions. If up/down, left/right, and forward/back are the 3 spatial dimensions, what are the others? And what of time being a dimension itself?

In: 2

5 Answers

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Freddy_guy, I think the point is we are unable to perceive the “line” of boxes, and the “box” of boxes, because they’ exist in a set of dimensions outside of those which we are able to experience. We can see things in terms of 3 dimensions, but extend those dimensions beyond that – in the same way we can extend perception beyond 1 dimension, or 2 dimensions, to 3, and we have no frame of reference to compare it to. My question is: that’s really cool, but why does it extend to 10 or 11 (depending on who you ask) and why that number, not more or fewer? That’s the eli5 bit

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