If theres billions of bacteria in our mouths, how come when we cut our inner lip we’re not guaranteed an infection?


If theres billions of bacteria in our mouths, how come when we cut our inner lip we’re not guaranteed an infection?

In: 85

7 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

There’s quite a few layers of lining to the mouth and the gut. Sooo when a cancer patient undergoes chemotherapy, the lining of the mouth (and also the lining of the guts) gets eroded, because chemotherapy targets the rapidly dividing cells, which includes the cells making up the lining. Chemotherapy also sometimes decreases your immune system’s capabilities. Because of this, when the lining of your mouth erodes, the inside of your mouth is more likely to get sores and ulcers. Chemotherapy patients are encouraged to brush their teeth four times a day to reduce the bacteria getting into those sores and making it worse, but brushing teeth can be painful due to the mouth ulcers, so you can get this medicated mouthwash that is mostly salt and baking soda, to use four times a day, to reduce the intensity of potential infections.

Edit: Hope this was tangential to what you asked.

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