If there’s no cure to cancer then how does one become “cancer free” and how is that different from curing it?


If there’s no cure to cancer then how does one become “cancer free” and how is that different from curing it?

In: 2

14 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

cancer is just your own cells growing out of control… probably don’t want to know this but we get cancer constantly.. (or fairly often) but our white blood cells just attack and kill it and we are none the wiser.. cancer manifesting as a disease is when our immune system fails and exterior methods of eradication must occur.

Anonymous 0 Comments

There’s a lot of things that are cancer. Only some of them can be cured. So we have cures for the most cooperative cancers if we catch them early, but we don’t have a medicine we can give someone to safely get rid of all the cancer in their body no matter what kind it is.

Anonymous 0 Comments

You had a cold once. You were sick and the virus reaked havoc but eventually you recovered and your body destroyed the virus. You are now “cold free” (free of the cold virus inside of the body).

There isn’t a shot or a pill you can take to prevent the cold ever coming back. (No cure)
It’s possible you can get the cold again.

Anonymous 0 Comments

If you have cancer, it mean that you have genetics defect that your healthy cells will easily give rise to cancer again. “Cancer free” means that we had killed all abnormal cells that doing harm to you. But a lot of cancer progenitor exist in a state that indistinguishable from healthy stem cells, when these cell divides, one copy remain perfects but the other one has a slight defect that will eventually turn into tumor.