If things like a sore throat and a headache are caused by your immune system’s response to the common cold, what would you experience if you had no response at all?


If things like a sore throat and a headache are caused by your immune system’s response to the common cold, what would you experience if you had no response at all?

In: Biology

Anonymous 0 Comments

Same as immuno-compromised people do… death.

That’s why AIDS doesn’t actually kill anybody. Not directly. It destroys your immune system, which means that even a common cold can infect your entire body and kill you.

That’s why the body sees a bit of a headache / sore throat / fever are a small price to pay, and why we almost all have immune systems. If we didn’t, we’d have died out long, long, long ago. And even immuno-compromised people of today wouldn’t survive “naturally” without medical assistance.