If torque determines a motorcycles accelaration, why does it pull harder at higher revs (bike with flat torque curve)


i started riding a CB500F, it has a flat torque curve, pretty much the same torque at 3k and 9k rpm, then why does the bike (in the same gear) accelate much faster at higher than lower revs?

In: 88

22 Answers

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There are some not so good answers here. If the bike makes the same torque at 3000 and 9000rpm, then it will accelerate about the same at 3000 and 9000rpm in the same gear. The acceleration will actually be lower at 9000rpm since the bike is moving faster, resulting in higher aerodynamic drag.

I think the likely answers are 1. Your perception of acceleration is not accurate, and is being influenced by the motorcycle making a lot more noise at higher revs. You’re also starting to focus a lot more on needing to shift as you get higher in the rev range. 2. The torque curve isn’t actually flat, a quick look shows it increasing a decent amount from 3-4 k, and then continuing to increase to 7k. What looks like a small increase on a graph may feel like a larger increase while riding.

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