If torque determines a motorcycles accelaration, why does it pull harder at higher revs (bike with flat torque curve)


i started riding a CB500F, it has a flat torque curve, pretty much the same torque at 3k and 9k rpm, then why does the bike (in the same gear) accelate much faster at higher than lower revs?

In: 88

22 Answers

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The CB500F torque curve is only relatively flat between 5500 and 7000 rpm. At 9000, it has dropped off and at 3000 rpm, it has not yet come in. If you look at the graphs on [this page ](https://motostatz.com/honda-cb500f-acceleration-top-speed/), you will see that the in-gear accelerations are just the torque curve which is being vertically scaled and horizontally squished due to the gear ratios, so the difference in any one gear comes from the fact that the torque cueve is not perfectly flat.

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