if tumours on the pituitary gland can make people grow taller, why can’t medical science just stimulate this gland on dwarves and those with stunted growth as a form of correctional medicine?


if tumours on the pituitary gland can make people grow taller, why can’t medical science just stimulate this gland on dwarves and those with stunted growth as a form of correctional medicine?

In: 6

5 Answers

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Pituitary dwarfism is a kind of dwarfism that can be treated with synthetic human growth hormone before a child’s growth plates have been fused. However, other forms of dwarfism are not caused by pituitary anomalies. Achondroplasia, for example, is a genetic condition where a protein functions abnormally, slowing the growth of bone in the cartilage of the growth plate. That makes the bones shorter and abnormally shaped.

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