If two countries go to war, how can the opposing army know which army is theirs without accidently shooting their own teammates?


Does every army in every country have a different uniform? Or do they all wear camouflaged suits or something.

In: 729

27 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Typically, units do not just roam around looking for trouble. There are specific missions, such as “Patrol through this valley, moving from here to here. We’re not sure what’s in there, but it is possible that some enemy squads are hiding in there. If you make contact, call it in; we’ve got battalion mortars ready to provide indirect fire support, and A Co. is positioned up on the ridge to your west and can provide additional support if necessary. Do not cross phase line blue; that is 2nd battalion’s area.”

Now if someone starts shooting at you, you shoot back. They’re enemy.

If you’re getting close to one of your own units, you will radio to them and let them know.

At night you have signals with IR lights on your night optics—maybe 1 flash is replied to with 3, or something like that.

If you’re operating near a line that is another battalion’s AO, you will absolutely never initiate contact with a force on the other side of the line. You don’t know what’s going on there. The other battalion may have set up an ambush or might be observing them for some reason. Call it in and wait for orders.

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