If water evaporates and condenses into clouds, then what happens to the clouds that evaporate? Where does their water go?


I’m sure you’ve seen clouds slowly disappear in the sky. What’s happening to them? Where does their water content go? Do they go higher up to form new clouds?

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10 Answers

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Water vapor is what water evaporates into: some of the liquid on the surface gains enough energy to turn into gas.

In fact, right now, in the air in your room, there is water in vapor form. It’s all around you. You’re breathing it. You can’t see it.

Fog is what it looks like when tiny droplets of water vapor turn back into liquid and stay suspended in the air. It’s the opposite of evaporarion: condensation. The droplets are so tiny, they don’t sink. They stay suspended in the air.

When clouds form, it’s just like fog, but high up in the atmosphere. Just like water in a cup, water in clouds also evaporates and turn back into invisible water vapor (gas). It goes back and forth all the time.

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