If water evaporates and condenses into clouds, then what happens to the clouds that evaporate? Where does their water go?


I’m sure you’ve seen clouds slowly disappear in the sky. What’s happening to them? Where does their water content go? Do they go higher up to form new clouds?

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10 Answers

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Clouds are liquid or solid water in a, well, cloud of tiny drops/crystals.

Water can also exist as a gas called water vapor. This is invisible. We think of water vapor as “steam,” since that is the point at which water *must* be a vapor, but even at cold temperatures, there is water vapor dissolved into the air. The amount of water vapor that can exist in a given space depends on the pressure and temperature. So sometimes, the atmospheric conditions in one area condense that water vapor into drops or crystals (water can even exist as a gas at sub freezing temps, but it can’t really exist as a liquid, so it goes straight from gas to ice crystal, and vice versa), and we see bajillions of these as a cloud. The cloud drifts into warmer areas or lower pressures and these tiny drops/crystals spread out and turn back into gases.

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