If water evaporates and condenses into clouds, then what happens to the clouds that evaporate? Where does their water go?


I’m sure you’ve seen clouds slowly disappear in the sky. What’s happening to them? Where does their water content go? Do they go higher up to form new clouds?

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10 Answers

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inbetween air particles (molecules) are free spaces with nothing.

the more energy the air particles get, the warmer they get and the more they move around.

the more they move around, the more space they need.

this means they are further apart if they are warmer than if they are colder.

water particles (molecules) can sit inbetween the air particles.

rhe more space there is inbetween the air particles, the more water particles can sit inbetween the spaces.

when the air cools, the water cant sit between the air particles anymore multiple water particles combine into droplets.

if the air gets even colder. the droplets get too bug to float and fall to the earth. if the air gets warmer ahain, the water droplets disperse and go sit between the air particles again.

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