if we always keep producing more goods why does the value of a dollar go down instead of up?


Is it because governments are irresponsible and waste money by printing faster than the economy grows?

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3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Are you talking about the strength of the dollar for exchange purposes? Or how far a dollar can get you?

For exchange purposes, the value is determined by more than just GDP. You’ve got to consider inflation rates, public debt, interest rates, etc.

Anonymous 0 Comments

It goes down because it’s supposed to. A currency is not supposed to hold onto its value over a long stretch of time. Otherwise, people would just horde their cash and not spend or invest it, which would grind the economy to a halt. A currency is only supposed to be a temporary token of exchange that allows you to trade one thing of value, your labor, for other things of value such as housing, food, and other goods and services. And that’s why central banks structure their monetary policy to have slow, controllable inflation.

Anonymous 0 Comments

The government prints and inserts trillions into the global economy. Too many dollars chasing too few goods and services.