If we have pet food food that sustains pets, why do humans have so much trouble getting the right nutrients?


If we have pet food food that sustains pets, why do humans have so much trouble getting the right nutrients?

In: 39

19 Answers

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Most of the problem with people is NOT not getting enough of the right nutrients, your body is excellent at extracting what you need from whatever you eat. The real problem with humans is that most of them eat too much and when you eat more than your body can digest, the body turns it in to fat, especially from excess carbs and protein. This is a mechanism left over from our prehistoric days where humans experienced a “feast and famine” cycle. Sometimes food was abundant so humans could eat a lot and make fat so they could push through the leans times. In developed countries humans do not experience true lean times anymore and food is readily available so many end up fat. There are still instances of people suffering particular forms of malnutrition in these developed countries but we usually find they have chosen to eat a very limited diet, in one instance I read about recently a man only ate white bread (like Wonder bread) and canned potatoes and suffered severe malnutrition (scurvy) but there are documented cases of scurvy among ship-bound people because of the lack of fresh food especially vegetables.

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