If we perceive sound because of vibrations, why aren’t bugs/insects deterred by loud vehicles, construction sites, and other noises that are loud for humans?


If we perceive sound because of vibrations, why aren’t bugs/insects deterred by loud vehicles, construction sites, and other noises that are loud for humans?

In: 300

6 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

They don’t have ears that resemble ours with a sensitive membrane, tiny hairs, and impossibly small bones that resonate.

Their membranes are cruder. Or they hear with an organ on their antenna, etc.

Loud noises don’t damage them the way they do us.

Anonymous 0 Comments

They are.


> There was another, more obvious, change. Seismologists found that across the UK, there was a 50% reduction in vibrations during the pandemic lockdown and urban noise was reduced by 5 db (60% quieter). The airport, usually a significant source of noise and vibrations, would have been much more attractive to animals without the constant traffic.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Never EVER use a weed eater or a chainsaw near a beehive. Even an idling bike will trigger a defense response after a few seconds, and you’ll get mob justice

Anonymous 0 Comments

Here’s a couple of articles on whether sound affects mosquitoes. 🙂

“Mosquitoes Don’t Like Skrillex, But Listening To His Music Isn’t Enough To Keep Them Away”

“Ultrasound mosquito repellents: Zapping the myth”

Anonymous 0 Comments

I think they are, or can be. When I screamed at the got-dang British “House spider” (aka monster) in my shower, it scrambled at the noise.

Anonymous 0 Comments

They don’t have that level of intelligence. They don’t know why things are, they can’t learn from the past or perceive the future, they simply live in a world of right here right now and follow the program to it’s conclusion. It’s why moths simply bang into the lightbulb until they are dead, that one path is the only one they choose because it’s the best one available to them that very second.