If we use alcohol as disinfectant, why drinking it doesnt solve throat infection / sore throat?


If we use alcohol as disinfectant, why drinking it doesnt solve throat infection / sore throat?

In: 5842

59 Answers

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Important to note that disinfectant alcohol is typically isoprpanol. Liquor alcohol is ethanol, which is not as effective of a disinfectant [disputed].

Additionally, alcohol swallowed will only affect bacteria/viruses on the surface of the throat. It will not affect any that are in the tissue or replicating in the cells. To reach those, you would need to raise your blood alcohol concentration (BAC) to 350x the legal limit or so, which is very difficult because it would take gallons and gallons of hard liquor to raise it that much.

If your blood was 60% alcohol, the carrying capacity for oxygen would be crazy reduced, so you’d probably run out of breath just picking up a glass.

At 60% alcohol, your electrolyte balance would likely be completely out of whack. Muscles would stop working, neurons would fizzle helplessly. Kidneys would just completely check out.

But of course you would probably die of alcohol poisoning long before any of that other stuff. Usually around 5-10x legal limit.

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