Well, we certainly could with the help of holograms. It still wouldn’t be as convincing, though, since the nature of our vision and being in 3D space means we can only see 2.5 D, with partial 3D. Let me explain it like this: we can see every point on a finite 2D plane from our 3D perspective. However, you cannot do the same for a 3D perspective; you’re only seeing part of the 3D space right now (for example, you can’t see the insides of the device you’re reading any more than a drawing can see past an obstruction on paper). A 4D being would be able to see us and our world inside and out all at once, which would be conducive to creating an understandable pseudo-4D space within 3D. We’d need to he 4D ourselves to understand it, though. Until we can upload ourselves into a 4D computer simulation, it remains hard to understand even if a 3D representation of a 4D space were created.
Our brains are programmed to perceive 3 dimensions so that’s a lot of help with depicting 3 dimensions in 2D. Our brains fill in the information. Our brains are programmed to perceive time as linear rather than as a spatial dimension so it goes the other way. To present 4D in 3D is counter to how our brains operate.
We can, but it’s a little hard to explain in text. Think about drawing a cube — if you draw two squares that partially overlap, then connect all 4 corners of the two squares, it will look like a transparent cube (like [this](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/hOI-AryNpzA/maxresdefault.jpg) picture). This is a projection of a 3D object onto a 2D space.
You can do the same thing in 3D if you make two interlocking cubes out of toothpicks, then connect all 8 corners of the two cubes. This is the projection of a 4D object onto a 3D space.
You can also do this with a sort of distance perspective by drawing one square inside another then connecting the corners. Then you have a 3D object projected onto a 2D space with distance perspective in the 3rd dimension. Do the same thing with the toothpicks and the cubes, only make one smaller cube inside a larger cube with the corners connected. Then you have a perspective projection of a 4D object onto a 3D space with distance perspective in the 4th dimension.
Screen or not, we’re always projecting the 3-dimensional world onto our 2-dimensional retinas. There is some loss of information, but we’ve learned to interpret these projections well.
When projecting a 4-dimensional world onto a 2-dimensional retina, there is much more loss of information! Imagine trying to interpret a 1-dimensional projection — just a line of colors — of our 3-dimensional world! On top of that, we simply have no experience interpreting the resulting pictures.
We are limited by the ability of our eyes to perceive a fourth dimension. It’s like trying to watch an HD broadcast on a standard TV. The source material might contain the data for high definition, but the receiver is limited to displaying it in standard definition anyway. Our eyes don’t normally see a fourth dimension…our brains cannot process it. what would be the point of imitating one?
You absolutely can. The problem is that your mind won’t be able to interpret the 3D projection of a 4D object as a 4D object. It will just look like a morphing 3D object, similarly to how a rotating 3D object can create a morphing 2D shadow.
Our minds just aren’t meant to comprehend 4D because all of our senses are technically 2 or 1 dimensional and “3D” is interpreted. Even if you have exceptional mental imagery, it’s still not going to be 4 dimensional (I’d love to be proved wrong on this)
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