If WhatsApp messages are end to end encrypted, how can WhatsApp show me the code used to encrypt those messages?


If WhatsApp messages are end to end encrypted, how can WhatsApp show me the code used to encrypt those messages?

In: 92

10 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Encryption works like this….

You and your friend decide to use a car as a password between the both of you, so both agree on a color, we’ll assume red.

You have the headlights, frame, seats, and electrical.

Your friend has everything else.

By knowing which parts are missing from the full car, you KNOW if someone gives you a list of parts, whether or not it’s your friend. Meanwhile, anyone who sees the full car put together would never be able to tell which parts came from you, or which from your friend, and either way, the only information shared over cleartext was the color.

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