If WhatsApp messages are end to end encrypted, how can WhatsApp show me the code used to encrypt those messages?


If WhatsApp messages are end to end encrypted, how can WhatsApp show me the code used to encrypt those messages?

In: 92

10 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

This is one of the great accomplishments of modern cryptography. The ability to show you exactly how the encryption happen. Modern encryption uses one way functions. Mathematical functions that are trivial in one direction, but we know of no way to reverse them in any kind of reasonable timeframe. Since you don’t know which random numbers (generating these in an unpredictable way isn’t particularly hard) we’re used in any specific case(ie. for any given message), you’re left with having to reverse an irreversible function to get the “secret”≈key.

(Authentication then works through proving that you know that solution, by giving what are essentially “examples/transpositions” without ever passing over the actual solution.)

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