If WhatsApp messages are end to end encrypted, how can WhatsApp show me the code used to encrypt those messages?


If WhatsApp messages are end to end encrypted, how can WhatsApp show me the code used to encrypt those messages?

In: 92

10 Answers

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Knowing the key used to *encrypt* a message does not necessarily imply knowing the key used to *de*crypt the message.

WhatsApp uses the [Signal protocol](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Signal_Protocol), which is one of many mathematical ways for two people to agree on a key over an insecure connection **without anyone sniffing the connection being able to get the key**. The mathematical details are mildly complicated, but if you want some reading, the [Diffie-Hellman algorithm](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diffie%E2%80%93Hellman_key_exchange) is relatively easy to understand.

It relies on the fact that large numbers are hard to factor: basically, you come up with a number *a*, and I come up with a number *b*, and we compute the product *ab* without actually communicating either *a* or *b*. Since you know both *ab* and *a*, you can compute *b*, and similarly, I can compute *a*. That is, we’ve exchanged keys with each other. The attacker between us only sees *ab*, and if they can’t factor *ab*, they don’t know what *a* or *b* are. Now we can use *ab* as an encryption key, as long as decrypting *ab* requires knowledge of *a* and *b*. (The full details are more complex than this, but this is the basic underlying idea.)

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