If yeast is alive, how can it survive without any food and live for so long?


How does yeast survive without any food or water without dying for years in a pantry, then you just add water and sugar and it comes to life and creates air. Is it unetical to cook them alive? Do they feel pain? If people are mad about lobsters being cooked alive why do we still cook yeast alive?

In: 30

12 Answers

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Yeast can live for years without food or water in the same way plant seeds can. Some organisms respond to getting dried out by going into a sort of suspended animation where they don’t grow and don’t need food. When you add water, the organism starts growing and needing food again.

People are uncomfortable cooking lobsters alive because lobsters have nerves, and we use our nerves to have feelings, so in principle lobsters might have feelings too. Yeast doesn’t have nerves, so they don’t feel pain and we don’t need to worry about it.

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