If yeast is alive, how can it survive without any food and live for so long?


How does yeast survive without any food or water without dying for years in a pantry, then you just add water and sugar and it comes to life and creates air. Is it unetical to cook them alive? Do they feel pain? If people are mad about lobsters being cooked alive why do we still cook yeast alive?

In: 30

12 Answers

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Yeast is a single celled fungus, and it lives through packaging etc. because it is in a dormant state, like a more extreme hibernation. Because of this, it does not need to eat until it is revived– usually with a bowl of warm water and a bit of sugar.

Baking will kill yeast. If you’re stuck on the ethics, consider the following:

-Vegetarians eat plants, even those where eating kills the plant (eating the roots/stalk/leaves) and not only those that don’t kill the plant. (Fruits/nuts/seeds)

-Vegetarians eat mushrooms, and fungus (corn smut is a delicacy)

-Growing crops actually kills massive amounts of insects and animals, but vegetarians still eat crops.

-Plants are actually way more complex life forms compared to single-celled organisms, much bigger difference than that between a bird and a fish. So theoretically, eating yeast is less cruel than eating plants.

-We eat and inhale billions of single celled organisms during normal life, yeast just happens to be a cultivar that we find particularly useful.

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