If yeast is alive, how can it survive without any food and live for so long?


How does yeast survive without any food or water without dying for years in a pantry, then you just add water and sugar and it comes to life and creates air. Is it unetical to cook them alive? Do they feel pain? If people are mad about lobsters being cooked alive why do we still cook yeast alive?

In: 30

12 Answers

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Yeast are a single-celled fungi. They are very simple life forms that have no capacity for sentience. Plants are probably more likely to have a semblance of sentience than yeast are.

As for how they survive, like many single cellular life forms, they can go into a long term state of dormancy if there aren’t any nutrients and food available. And especially if dehydrated or frozen they can last essentially indefinitely, with pretty much *all* biochemical reactions on pause until the organism is rehydrated or unfrozen.

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