If yeast is alive, how can it survive without any food and live for so long?


How does yeast survive without any food or water without dying for years in a pantry, then you just add water and sugar and it comes to life and creates air. Is it unetical to cook them alive? Do they feel pain? If people are mad about lobsters being cooked alive why do we still cook yeast alive?

In: 30

12 Answers

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Fungi and plants don’t feel pain because they don’t have a nervous system. Yeast is cells of fungi, and each cell is a biochemical machine that balances thousands of complicated chemical reactions running at the same time in the presence of water. Absence of water means that the machine does not run, that is, yeast cells go into suspended animation mode. They are not damaged by drying because they have adaptations for this. When conditions become moist enough, the machine starts again, i.e. they come back to life.

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