If you buy a lotterie ticket you have a chance to win, if you buy another one, the chance doubles, why is that?


If you buy a lotterie ticket that has a 1:100000 chances to win you have a 1:1000000 chance. If you buy two tickets, you have 2:1000000 or 1:500000 chance. Why can I eliminate 500.000 tickets with just one more ticket?

What am I conflating here?

Edit: Thank you guys, this was always something I started wondering about.

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4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Saying you’re “eliminating” tickets is wrong. 1:500000 just means, if we were to select 500000 winning tickets then you’d have, on average, one winning ticket. It makes sense since you bought two tickets in a pool of a million.

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