If you can get sick from drinking most of the water that you encounter, how have humans lived so long?


I am not anything close to an ecologist or a biologist so this question may be really dumb. But I know that water is essential. It is used in many important bodily processes and we would die without it very quickly.

So my question is, how did so many generations of humans survive without the water purification standards that we have today?

Is there a reasonable amount of dirt, toxins, bacteria, etc… that can be in water and it won’t make us sick?

I also know people have boiled water for a very long time but didn’t we only discover bacteria and viruses in the lasts several hundred years? Did people know that boiling water would purify it?

Also am I wrong for thinking that most water in nature is dangerous to drink?

Hopefully these questions make sense.

In: 1437

39 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Wells. Well water is filtered by the sand that the water flows through, the water doesn’t need to be boiled. Rural households today don’t have city water and sewers, but wells and septic systems. We use an electric pump to draw water out of the ground instead of a bucket, but it essentially works the same way.

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