If you can pull money out of almost any ATM why can you not deposit money into almost any ATM?


If you can pull money out of almost any ATM why can you not deposit money into almost any ATM?

In: 210

21 Answers

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I think people gave covered it already but basically if it’s not directly attached to a bank, someone is contracted out to collect the cash.

If every ATM accepted deposits then someone would have to count how many deposits there were and to what bank, and then distribute it back to them. It would be a nightmare and not worth the effort

I do have a true story about cash deposits through. I used to work for an IT service desk for a bank and was part of the small team that dealt with ATM issues

The ATM’S were really old and the ones that took deposits, the person had to use an envelope and put the cash in there because it didn’t take notes directly

Many people would just put their money into the chute and it would end up loose in ATM for the bank to find the next day

I remember I had one call because the branch couldn’t find $20 that was deposited this was and they suspected it had gone into a space where they can’t reach, so wanted me to log a call with the ATM vendor

I did as they asked and IIRC It was about $240 for a call out if it wasn’t an actual fault. I’m surprised the bank just didn’t write off $20 from the till

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